Monday, August 9, 2021

New Edition: The Orthodox Survival Course by Fr. Seraphim Rose

Our title, “Orthodox Survival Course” does not refer to physical survival, at least not directly, though sometimes physical survival is the outcome of spiritual and intellectual survival, as sometimes it is not, as in the case of the martyrs. The “survival” we are referring to is precisely survival as Orthodox Christians. Our purpose is to acquire an Orthodox philosophy of history, in order to understand our current situation in light of the Church's teaching, and thereby be better equipped to discern falsehood and avoid deceptive interpretations of what is going on around us, and to remain in the Church until death, to survive spiritually and to help those we are responsible for to do the same.

This new edition features improved edits, more footnotes, and pictures.

It may be purchased here:


  1. Hi, I bought two copies of this, which I much appreciate. If I wanted to help with a potential third edition, with yet more improvement, how could I contact you?

  2. Just ordered a copy. Been looking for this for almost a year now and it was by pure accident I found this site. God Bless

    1. Also is there any way you can do a printing of “Letters from Fr. Seraphim”? The publisher that’s listed for it on every site said that they’re not the ones who published it and don’t know who did

    2. (I am Tikhon the editor of this press.) There is another guy I'm aware of who has done a complete collection of the Letters. He gave me a direct link to purchase a few copies, but as far as I know that direct connection is the only means of getting it.
