Friday, December 27, 2019

New Release: Meet the Fathers

The Society for Orthodox Apologetics was formed in November 2009 with the intent of creating a website which would provide those inquiring into Orthodoxy with information and answers to questions, provide an Orthodox perspective on modern issues, and address the claims of various heterodox, heretical, and anti-Christian organizations and individuals. A special and greatly honored class of Church Fathers, called the "Apostolic Fathers," are those Fathers who lived in the first and second centuries. As the title of this class implies, many of the Apostolic Fathers were friends and disciples of Apostles. Some, such as St. Polycarp of Smyrna and St. Ignatius of Antioch, were appointed directly by Apostles to take over leadership of the Church after the passing of the Apostles. The writings of the Apostolic Fathers are our greatest source of information on the early Christians' beliefs and practices.

Buy here: Meet the Fathers

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